Sunday 9 December 2012

Teen Spa

Teen girls love to be pampered and feel beautiful. – Teen boys also liked to feel good about their skin.

What is Acne?
As hormone levels rise and bodies change, skin reacts. For some teens, it's an occasional pimple or blemish. For girls, it can occur right before each menstrual cycle.

For other teens, though, breakouts go far beyond a spot or two, to create a chronic condition known as acne. It's characterized by whiteheads, blackheads, and, more frequently, pus-filled pimples.

"It usually develops in the central area of the cheeks and on the forehead, and it's almost universally caused by a hormone imbalance or a hypersensitivity to the robust hormonal activity going on the body during this time. Stresses associated with teen life can also be a contributing factor.

Teen Skin Care
Protect your skin. If there is one thing that you take from this article, it is: use sun screen. We all know that sun screen protects your skin from the sun, and this obviously reduces your chance of skin cancer. Did you also know that this reduces your chance of signs of early aging? 90% of premature ageing is caused by the sun. It may not be something that you are thinking of when you’re in your teens, but you'll be glad you did in 15 years. Apply sunscreen with a minimum SPF 30 or higher when you're out in the sun or driving around with your friends. Don't forget to reapply, and share this beauty tip with your friends. They will thank you in 15 years as well.

Did you know?

  • Overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun can cause significant damage to your skin. 
  • UVA rays from the sun can penetrate deep into your skin and damage collagen, which is the protein that holds your skin together in a firm and smooth way. 
  • UVA breaks down the collagen structure which results in wrinkles. 
  • Once collagen is damaged, it cannot re-build itself. 
  • Up to 80% of skin aging is caused by the sun.
Always choose and use a sunscreen that is:

  • An SPF 15 or higher 
  • Broad-spectrum (protects from both UVA and UVB rays).

If acne is a problem for you, just know that you are far from alone. I know at times it may seem like it, but the best of us have had our fair share of pimples. What I know is that acne is no fun at all. Here are some things that you may or may not have known about acne.

There is help for acne and there is nothing wrong with telling your mother you need help. Contact us for a Complimentary skin assessment it might be the first step in curing your acne.

Lose the bar of soap you have in your shower. Find a facial cleanser that's best for your skin type. Do you have oily skin? Many teens find that oily skin is their main concern, so look for a gel based cleanser if this is your problem. Make sure you wash your face in the morning and at night. You never want to sleep in your makeup. It's important to cleanse your face at night.

Use a toner. There are 3 great reasons for toner. Reason one it gets any little traces of your make up you may have left after you cleanse your face at night. The second is toner restores the ph. of your skin, the third reason is you will use less moisturiser.

Moisturise your face. The idea that those with oily skin don't need a moisturiser is not true. What you do need is a light oil-free moisturiser to put on after you cleanse. Always moisturise after you clean and dry your face. If your skin is very oily, you may choose to just moisturise in the morning.

Use a weekly mask and a weekly exfoliator. A mask deep cleans your pores, while an exfoliator removes dead skin. A weekly to bi-weekly exfoliator will encourage new skin to come to the surface faster. Make sure you are gentle; if you over scrub, your skin may break out even further. Exfoliate once a week for polished skin.

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