Monday 10 June 2013

Eating for healthy skin

Healthy, wholesome food provides the building blocks for great skin, and of course feeling well and preventing disease. Whilst it is naive to believe that changing the way you eat is going to wipe out your existing wrinkles, it is just as naive to think you can eat what you want without any effect on your skin – you cannot eat junk and rely on a pot of face cream for healthy skin. Feeding your skin with optimum nutrition will result in clear, radiant, glowing skin. Growing older is inevitable, looking older isn’t, we can do so much to take control over how we feel and look with food. Feeding your skin from within is essential.

Skin cells rely on a balanced supply of nutrients to grow, strengthen and fight free radical damage, giving your body essential antioxidants and nutrients is an effective solution to fight ageing from the inside- as we are what we eat. Neglecting to eat well can result in your skin ageing considerably faster and deficiencies of certain nutrients, such as vitamin A, B complex and essential fatty acids can show in the skin as eczema and other skin conditions, it may even impair the skin’s ability to heal and repair itself. Skin is often the last to get it’s ration of nutrients, so it’s important to have a consistent diet with a variety of foods to give your body enough nutrients - supplements are also well worth taking, antioxidants and fatty acids in particular.

Eat plenty of fresh, untreated foods as this is essential for the health of your entire body, the result is healthy, smooth, glowing skin with less skin problems like acne, eczema and sensitivity – and definitely less wrinkles. Variety is the spice of life – and eating a varied diet is the best way to stay looking younger and prevent disease. Eat fresh whole foods like –oily fish, chicken, grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, oils, herbs and spices. Whole food basically means it hasn’t undergone any processing and is as real as possible, whole foods do not contain any added sugar, salt and fat.

Foods to Avoid
  • Fried or burnt foods – these produce free radicals in the body
  • Pesticides on fruit & vegetables - use organic where possible or grow your own (white vinegar in water helps to remove pesticides from the flesh of fruit and vegetables).
  • Processed foods
  • Sugar – try Xylitol instead (100% natural product, a sweetener that occurs naturally. It can be found in berries, fruit, vegetables and mushrooms. It also occurs naturally in our bodies. You can buy this in your health store – it looks and tastes like sugar is a safe sweetener for foods.
The GL Way of Eating
The GL diet has received a lot of media attention and lots of books have been written on the subject .It has many positive medical benefits such as reducing adult-onset diabetes and heart disease. GL is a ranking system for Carbohydrate content in food portions based on their Glycaemic Index (GI) and portion size. The Glycaemic Index is a measure of the effects of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels, foods are rated to whether they are low (0-10), medium (11-19) or high (20+) GL. A high Glycaemic Load food, i.e. – white bread, croissants and sugar releases sugars into the blood stream very quickly (known as a sugar spike) – this spike in insulin sets off a cascade of inflammation in the body. Low GL foods release sugar into the blood stream more steadily, resulting in a slow release of Insulin with very little inflammation. The Mediterranean diet is very low Gl and rich in Fish, fruits and vegetables with beneficial oils and herbs, it also helps that the food is delicious.

Increased blood sugar causes chemical reactions in the body which create inflammation, this leads to a damaging effect on skin cells and Collagen fibres and can result in inflexible collagen and wrinkle formation. To improve and protect our skin we need a low Glycaemic Load diet – rich in Antioxidants. One of the benefits I have found in this way of eating is a huge increase in energy levels, also by keeping blood sugar levels stable, you not only feel better but you’re not tempted by a high sugar treat or snack high in fat. We should aim to have something to eat every three hours to help keep blood sugar stable.

The body could not grow or function without protein – it is the basic material of life. It’s the Amino Acids in Proteins that are actually the building blocks of our body, as the body can only manufacture 11 of the 20 Amino Acids that are essential for life, the remaining 9 must be supplied by our food. An ongoing lack of protein is first noticeable in the face, as the sharp definitions and contoured cheekbones start to turn soft and doughy. When the protein supply is lacking, the body is forced to feed upon itself, this causes both muscle and tissue to break down. Try to have a portion of protein with each meal – one egg, up to 70g of free-range skinless Chicken or turkey – white meat is high in Selenium which is essential for the proper function of some antioxidant enzymes, meat (red meat in moderation) or oily fish – Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon, Mackerel, goats and sheep’s cheese and yogurt, milk, Soya, and don’t forget about nuts and seeds! All of these are face firming protein.

Bright red and dark berries are rich in antioxidants and Vitamins that help protect the skin and fight disease. Blueberries, Blackberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Cranberries, Black & Red cherries, red grapes, Bilberries.

Fruits and Vegetables
Aim to eat around five to seven portions (a portion should fit in the palm of your hand), the more brightly coloured the better! Choose from a rainbow of vitamin and mineral rich fruits and vegetables – Beta-Carotene rich red and yellow bell peppers, tomatoes, beets, courgettes, carrots, sweet potato, squash, red cabbage, cantaloupe melon, nectarines, apricots, pomegranates, Apples have tons of antioxidants mostly in the skin so ensure you don’t peel. Dark leafy greens are high in Beta-Carotene and other anti-ageing antioxidant micro-nutrients including Vitamin E and manganese, good choices are – broccoli, Kale, Chard, Spinach and some lettuces like Romaine or Watercress and peppery Rocket. Beans have many health promoting benefits and are rich in B Vitamins and Potassium, this includes dried beans and green beans. Vegetables are also a source of fibre which is essential for a healthy digestive tract.

The Good Fats
Fat free diets are definitely trouble. Fats are essential for the functioning of our whole body, including the brain. We also need fats for our body to absorb fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K). However, some fats we should definitely put aside, these are a saturated fats found in full-fat dairy products and red meat, these can be pro-inflammatory in large amounts so portion size should be limited or eaten very occasionally. Hydrogenated trans fats should not be in our food.

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are the good guys, they are called essential as they are essential for life - our body cannot make them and must obtain them from the food we eat. EFAs are divided into two main groups – Omega 3 and Omega 6, these must be consumed in the right ratio which is 2:1 of omega 6 to omega 3 – these fatty acids are much needed not only for your internal organs but for your cell membranes, plumping the skin and moisturising from inside. Other sources of good fats are – Nuts and Seeds (Flax seeds are excellent), Avocados and Olive oil.

Udo’s Choice balanced Omega Oil - 1 tablespoon a day, or Viridian Beauty Oil is excellent, taking a supplement ensures you don’t become deficient in EFAs.

Low GI Grains
Opt for non refined grains like Organic oats (Rye or Spelt), Brown rice, Wholemeal pasta, Barley, Quinoa – these are all low GI and will release their energy slowly. Avoid the Carbohydrates which cause fast and high blood glucose responses like white bread, cakes, biscuits, pies, pizza.

A cup of fresh fruit and vegetable juice everyday will boost your nutrients and have a cleansing effective on your digestive system. Try juicing carrots, beetroot, apples, ginger and any fruit and veg that you fancy.

Nuts and Seeds
The energy in nuts and seeds amazes me – they are the life source of plants and absolutely bursting with nutrients, including protein – so good for vegetarians. They are also packed with EFAs, vitamins (skin friendly Vitamin E) and many minerals. Some of the best are Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, and Sesame. Walnuts and Almonds have a rich source of antioxidants and protein, aim for a handful of seeds and nuts every day.

Turmeric and Ginger are both high in an antioxidant polyphenol called “Curcumin” and are very anti-inflammatory.

Check the GI database for the GI of value of individual foods -
Patrick Holford.

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