Sunday, 12 April 2015

Could Bee pollen be the natural and effective way to alleviate itchy eyes and runny noses triggered by spring allergies?

Bee Pollen.

Ingesting small amounts of bee pollen can help drastically reduce the histamine directly caused by allergen build-ups in the body. This will result in a decrease in allergy-related symptoms, such as runny noses, swollen itchy eyes or throat.

When treating allergies start by taking about 1/2 teaspoon daily, and after about a month, slowly up your daily dose to about 1-3 tablespoons. Adding bee pollen to a smoothie or yogurt is a easy way to transition bee pollen into your diet.

When purchasing bee pollen, like honey, it’s important to buy local to ensure that you’re building immunity to local pollen and plants in your community/region. Also, it’s recommended to select pollen with a wide range of different colours if you can find it  because it contains more plant varieties.

 Keep refrigerated, and it can last up to a year.


To ensure that you don’t have any negative reactions from the bee pollen, it’s advised to test a few pieces on your tongue for a couple of minutes. If you remain symptom-free after that time has passed, chew slowly and swallow the pollen. Be sure to wait at least a day before consuming larger quantities.

If you are highly allergic to bees stings, pregnant, breasting feeding or are taking any type of blood thinners, consult with your Doctor before taking bee pollen.

Bee pollen is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, minerals and healthy             fats.

It’s made up of about 40% protein, making it a natural super-food.

It cannot be replicated in a laboratory.

Bee pollen is safe to ingest in small doses.

Pollen can be extracted from a hive without harming the bees.

 Bee pollen offers you a wide range of other benefits, including:

Greater immunity against allergies
Lowered stress levels
More natural energy
A better digestive system
A faster metabolism
Reduced inflammation in the body
Help with asthma symptoms
A sharper memory and more alertness

However, be on the lookout for imitators in the market! These benefits are only available with all-natural bee pollen from good sources. Anything else is just rubbish and won’t help you receive the many great benefits.

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