Saturday 6 June 2015


At this point, you have a ritual: you wash tone and moisturise every night, hoping to keep your skin clear and wrinkles at bay. Can this classic stand-by skincare routine be improved upon?

Many men and women have been adding a new step to their routine: applying a serum before they moisturise. Should you use one, too?

Why Should You Use a Serum?

Adding a serum to your skincare regimen can enhance your complexion by penetrating deep into your skin. Serums treat specific conditions like dark spots, wrinkles and redness for example.

Serums deliver added nutrients to the deeper layers of the skin. Plenty of different types of serums exist for every type of skincare need: anti-aging, hydration, acne prevention. Adding a serum personalises your routine to treat whatever you are concerned about, even if it is just brightening the skin!

Do You Need a Moisturizer if You Use a Serum?

While a serum will add some moisture, they are mainly used to nourish the skin’s deeper layers, where moisturizers cannot penetrate. Moisturizers contain larger molecules that only penetrate the first layer of the skin, but facial serums have the ability to penetrate into all three layers of the skin. Apply toner, then your serum, followed by your moisturizer.

How to Choose a Facial Serum

Keep your skin type in mind and determine which specific issues you want to treat when choosing a serum. If you are concerned about aging, a serum with anti-oxidants, retinol or growth factors may be best. If dryness is a problem, a product with hyaluronic acid could bring back suppleness to the skin. You may experience some difficulty choosing the right facial serum—contact our skincare experts for advice. Hydrating B5 Gel by Skinceuticals.

Serums we recommend.

We also encourage our  clients to use serums that contain topical anti-oxidants, like SkinCeuticals  Resveratrol, CE Ferulic & Phloretin and Serum 10.  These  anti-ageing serums renew the production of skin cells and amp up your skin’s natural protection against sun damage.

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