Sunday 11 October 2015

Skin Ageing.

Skin Ageing.

Collagen and elastin give your skin integrity. When it becomes damaged, neither the collagen nor the elastin is as strong as it once was. Once the collagen and elastin production are compromised, the body can no longer naturally produce the same quantities or calibers that it did before. In younger years, glycosaminoglycans use water to add volume and fullness to the face. Over time, though, they cannot soak up water as much and leave the skin looking saggy and dry.Your skin contains two vital proteins, collagen and elastin, and the two of them help maintain the structure of it. When you are constantly exposed to the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays, these proteins start to break down and your skin's condition changes. The result is wrinkles, redness, dryness, and fine lines and loss of elasticity resulting in sagging skin.
Sun Damage
 Certain activities that you do can speed up the aging process and prematurely age your complexion. If you spend a lot of time in the sun without the proper protection, you are exposing your skin to UV rays that cause wrinkles, age spots, and discoloration in the face. It might also dry out your skin and make it look dull.

Bad Habits
 Other bad habits like smoking, repeatedly making certain facial expressions, drinking alcohol, and eating unhealthy foods can also cause your skin to age faster than it normally would. If you want to slow down the aging process, it is important to stop smoking, to drink less alcohol, and to eat more fruits and vegetables. You should also make an effort to get between 7-9 hours of sleep each night and practice a daily skin routine.

Prolonged exposure to the sun eventually causes uneven skin tone and liver spots. The best way to avoid these unwanted conditions is by using a broad spectrum sunscreen daily.

To repair your skin you need treatments that can build collagen and elastin. Microdermabrasion, LED Light Therapy and radio frequency are the best non-invasive technologies to help keep your skin healthy and youthful no matter your age.

Medical grade skincare products are designed to treat dermatological skin conditions such as acne, dry skin, skin clarity and improve visible signs of ageing including fine lines and wrinkles crow's feet, sagging and uneven pigmentation.

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