Monday 9 May 2016

Retin-A or Tretinoin is one of the most powerful products in the war against skin ageing.

Retin A is the brand name for Tretinoin - it  has proven itself to reduce, reverse, and prevent wrinkles. (The younger a person starts using it, meaning in their teens and twenties, the more benefits they receive, but it’s never too late to start using it!)
1. Retin A helps lighten and prevent age spots.
2. Retin A builds collagen to thicken and increase the structural strength of treated skin.
3. Retin A helps to decrease a person’s risk of developing skin cancer.
4. Skin just looks better and younger when people use Retin A.

Important advice!

  • Always apply it to your skin at bedtime. 
  • Never use it during the day.
  • Never layer Retin A with benzoyl peroxide and ideally don’t apply it when you also have acid products on your skin like vitamin C, glycolic acid or salicylic acid.
  • Always wait at least 15-30 minutes after cleansing and applying any other skin care products to your skin before you apply Retin A.
  •  Use on its own, do not apply another cream on top. 

Whilst Retin A can have a magic effect on the skin, it can result in some issues if it’s not used correctly. The effect of increased skin cell turnover can be irritation and flaking. For this reason, many people stop using Retin-A after a couple of days to weeks, then think that it didn't work. It is important to realise that Retin-A is very effective for whiteheads and blackheads, but it may take 6-9 weeks to see a noticeable difference. It takes at least 6 months to see a noticeable difference in wrinkles. The best benefit is seen if Retin-A is used for at least a year. When you start to use Retin A, you need to begin with “pearl-sized” not “pea sized” portion for the face, neck and chest.  Use it like it is very precious ‘gold’. It is important to begin using it gradually to allow your skin to adjust. I recommend that clients use it twice a week (every third night) for the first couple of months. During this time, understand that a little peeling (or in my case a lot of peeling) and irritation is normal at first, but if the treated skin becomes really sensitive, back off the Retin A for a bit. Let your skin return to normal before you begin the treatment again. As your skin adjusts, slowly try to increase to using it every night.
Always use a sun protection next day, avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
Stop using Retin A, a month or so prior to going on a sun or ski holiday.

#SkinCeuticals Retinol is formulated with high concentrations of pure retinol and enhanced with stabilization and delivery technologies to ensure effective penetration.

Unlike products that use traditional encapsulation technology, the skinceutical  innovative system captures and stabilises retinol without enclosing it to protect potency.

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