Saturday 8 December 2012

Five Habits to Ensure Healthy Skin

Protection Protection & more Protection! 
Use a Broad Spectrum Sunscreen and try to stay in the shade between the hours and 11 and 2 when the sun is at its strongest.

Don’t Worry, Be Happy!
People who believe they look good have a strong self of esteem are freed from anxiety and enjoy high energy levels. Stress and anxiety cause accelerated free radical activity, and restricted blood and oxygen flow to the cells. Try multi-beneficial activities like yoga and walking.

Where there is a smoker there will be wrinkles. 
Around your mouth is a real tell-tale area of ageing. One of the biggest causes of these wrinkles is smoking. It robs the skin of oxygen and the precious Vitamin C which means that you are doubling the rate at which your skin ages.

Sleep Well!
Sleep is the foundation of wellbeing. When you sleep a human growth hormone is released which refreshes your body and regenerate cells. The positions you sleep in determine wrinkle patterns. If you favour one side then you may end up more pleated on that side. Special pillows can be purchased to help with this issue but a good Vitamin A moisturiser should also help to repair some of the damaged cells.

Eat Well!
Food really helps to wage war against skin ageing. A two pronged attack against wrinkles. Creams you use will do the surface work, but what good is surface work without the foundations. Your diet will tackle the task from within. Eating the correct foods helps to give the skin the nutrients it needs so try and eat lots of anti-oxidant rich foods such as broccoli, berries, brightly coloured foods and dark leaved greens! Did you know that the skin is the last place the benefit from the nutrients you take in through your diet? Your body naturally takes the nutrients to your vital organs, blood and other more important parts of your body. Taking an Omega 3 Supplement and a Multivitamin will help to boost your intake leaving enough left over to keep your skin looking fresh.

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