Monday 26 August 2013

How often should you have a massage?

"If a person had the time and the means to get a massage every day, it wouldn't be too often."

A: Without fail, this is one of the most common questions I receive as a massage therapist. My first response is usually, "If a person had the time and the means to get a massage every day, it wouldn't be too often." The truth is, though, how often you should get a massage treatment varies by the individual and doesn't follow a set formula. There are several factors to take into consideration. Are you coming in for a specific "issue" or is this mainly for relaxation? If it is to help de-stress, or what I like to refer to as "health maintenance," a minimum of a monthly massage appointment would be your best bet. If there are issues, such as chronic pain or tightness, or after sustaining an injury (after you've been cleared for massage from your doctor) I would recommend coming in more frequently for a few weeks. If you are not feeling improvement after a few weeks of frequent massage, talk with your therapist about other options.

Receiving massage on a regular basis will help promote a healthy circulatory system, along with good posture. Massage also releases tension and pain in the muscles, allowing them to move more freely. People who receive massage frequently tend to be more flexible and comfortable in their bodies, since they are maintaining a higher level of general health.

Receiving a massage at least once a month will result in cumulative health benefits for clients, but an even greater frequency will be much more effective. Ultimately, the decision of how often you receive massage is based on input from your body, your massage therapist, and, in some cases, a doctor.

The frequency of your massage sessions is a personal choice. Most clients seem to settle on a 2-4 week cycle. Throughout the years, my observation has been that a 7-8 week interval is too long to sustain the benefits that massage contributes, especially with chronic issues.

Buy a course of three massages and receive your 4th massage free (offer valid until the 30th September 2013).

To make the most out of your massage sessions, there are things you can do at home to help extend post massage benefits:

- Hydrate - in general but specifically after a massage treatment. Think water, water, water.

- Stretch - to maintain joint mobility; I often suggest stretches specific to your needs after a session.

- Exercise - If you're ready to move, do it!

- Body Awareness - Tune in to how your body feels; if it wants to rest, do so. Get enough sleep. Be aware of the effects the massage has had on your body. Discuss it with your therapist when you come in for your next session.

Make self-care a part of your health regimen by scheduling regular massage sessions. It plays a huge part in sustaining a healthy, active lifestyle, which, in turn, promotes a general sense of well-being and graceful ageing. Invest in your health and reap the cumulative returns from regular massage therapy.

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