Tuesday 28 January 2014

Endermologie Cellulite Treatment

Endermologie Cellulite Treatment

 Endermologie® is an FDA-approved technology for cellulite reduction that is non-surgical and non-invasive at Nuala Woulfe Salon & Serenity Day Spa. The Endermologie experience is a comprehensive, non-surgical approach which embraces the physical and aesthetic needs of your whole body using a patented technique that is proven to be safe and effective.

Cellulite is a common term for superficial pockets of trapped fat which cause uneven dimpling, or "orange peel" skin. Cellulite appears in 90% of post-adolescent women and is rarely seen in men. Common, but not exclusive, areas where cellulite is found are the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. Cellulite is not related to obesity, since it occurs in overweight, normal weight and thin women.

Endermologie reduces cellulite, increases circulation

Endermologie employs a mechanized device with two motorized rollers and regulated suction. This non-surgical and non-invasive device creates a symmetrical skin fold which mobilises deep tissue and results in the reduction of cellulite, reduction of body dimensions and improvement in skin texture.

Endermologie combines:

LPG®-patented therapeutic massagers that produce for you an amazing sense of relaxation and increased circulation.

Specific manoeuvres that work various layers of your skin to stretch connective fibres under your skin to reduce water build-up.

Individualised protocols applied over the whole body that use suction and move the skin layers to rebalance connective tissue that has been pulled toward the skin's surface.

Programs are adapted to specific cellulite conditions to reduce the laxity of tone of connective tissue and to reduce the strain on fat globules that cause a dimpled appearance of the skin.

You will wear a body stocking as one of our friendly and able technicians gently glides the suctioning rollers over your body, concentrating on affected areas.

During the 30 or 60 minute sessions you will experience a deep massage that will improve your circulation more than three times as much as would a manual massage.

Endermologie uses rollers and gentle suctioning to deeply massage your affected areas, increasing the circulation by 200%, compared with 60% for manual massage. Endermologie helps your body to expel toxins and abnormal water build up while stretching the connective fibres under the skin that have grown lax.

Typically, the thighs or buttocks appear smoother and smaller after several sessions. In some clients, the abdomen area is also reduced in circumference after several sessions. These changes are a happy alternative to surgery, with its downtime and scarring.

 What can Endermologie do for you?
Help bring back the smooth skin you once had to increase your attractiveness and physical appeal.

Help maximise your potential to reach the ideal shape for your size, age and body type so that you look better in and out of your clothes.

Help relieve minor muscle aches and pain after work or play.

Improve circulation, which is beneficial to every part of your body.

Reduce the size of areas of your body where often diet and exercise has not been able to do so.

Reshape your body after pregnancy.

Relax painful muscle spasms.


  1. Fat deposits can accumulate in all parts of the human body. However, cellulite is fat that is trapped in the connective tissues of the body.Cellulite Exercise

  2. This was very informative and I would just add that exercise can assist the formation of fatty deposits if you don't drink enough water after and ensure you eat within 90 mins of any cardio workouts.
