Tuesday 28 January 2014

Hot Stone Massage

Hot Stone Massage. This is a wonderful head to toe massage treatment. Hot Basalt stones are placed on key points of the body. You are then massaged with warm stones all over your body inducing a deep state of relaxation.

The stones are used as tools to deliver effective tissue and muscle massage at a pressure level comfortable for you. You can request light, medium or deep pressure to suit your needs on the day.

The heat from the stones relaxes muscles; increase the blood flow to the area being worked on which further accelerates the healing process also helping the body detox, relax the central nervous system improving overall health.

The benefits of Hot Stone Massage: Deep relaxation both physically and mentally Reduced stress levels Relieving mental and physical fatigue Faster elimination of toxins and waste Pain relief for muscles and joints Improves lymphatic flow which carries away the body’s waste products.

Improves Circulation which delivers oxygen and nutrients to the cells. Improves joint mobility Improved sleep Helps restore the body’s natural balance. Helps with conditions such as Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, MS, Insomnia, depression etc.

 The massage itself will effectively remove the lactic acid built up in muscle after exercise -leaving muscles & joints healthier with improved movement.

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