Monday 17 November 2014

LED Light Therapy for skin health .

LED light therapy helps you create beautiful skin from the inside out. It does so by utilising ATP, the fuel that powers cells and the basic components that your body needs in order to heal itself 
When you eat nutritious meals you are giving your body the building blocks for perfect skin.
The old theory of you are what you eat is very true in skincare since your skin clearly shows the health of the person.
The state of the skin is the first thing you'll notice when a person gets sick or is not well. When a person is not well or under-nourished their skin will become sallow and show signs of stress etc.
The reason for is that the skin, although the largest organ, is not considered vital by the body itself. The body will redirect nutrients, oxygen, fluids and whatever else to those organs it deems necessary to its survival. This is why the skin is the first to show that a person is not well and the last to get nutrients from the foods you eat.

LED light, red and infrared speed healing, boost collagen which helps to eliminate wrinkles and other age related conditions.

Benefits of Red and Infrared Light Therapy

  • Creates a healthy glow about your face

  • Smoothes overall skin tone

  • Builds collagen by up to 300% 

  • Reduces wrinkles, including crow's feet, under eye wrinkles, forehead wrinkles & laugh lines 

  • Speeds the healing of blemishes, like acne and rosacea

  • Repairs sun damage

  • Reduces redness, flushing, and broken capillaries fades scars and stretch marks

  • Brings more moisture to your skin

  • Prevents hair loss & stimulates re-growth

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