Damaged Skin Barrier
Lots of Clients suffer from too much sebum/ oil, which is an inflammatory agent. Acne and rosacea are two oil-related conditions. Moisturising creams can aggravate these conditions, causing the skin to produce more oil in response to a heavy cream on the surface.
Daily moisturising over a prolonged period may actually age the skin. This occurs because the fibroblast cells which produce GAGs (the skin’s moisturiser) also produce collagen and elastin, which help maintain the skin’s elasticity. If we make these fibroblast cells sluggish, due to an impaired mechanism, this compounds the decline in production of collagen and elastin which is already occurring with ageing.
Give your skin the opportunity to recover, if you are using a heavy cream, try switching to a lighter lotion. If you are moisturising twice a day, try reducing this to once only.
Yes there are clients who need to use a moisturiser to soothe the skin - to assists with healing and put back what we loose naturally as we age #Skinceutical Triple Lipid Restore 2:4:2 contains an exceptional mix of ceramides, cholesterol, and fatty acids, all essential to replenishing skin's surface and protecting against moisture loss. These ingredients excel at improving chronically dry skin whose surface is compromised due to various circumstances (like health issues, sun damage, or extreme environmental conditions).The ingredients mimic the natural substances we have within our skin so aid in replenishing the skin as we age.
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