Monday, 7 December 2015

Sodium bicarbonate drinking mineral water during meals helps reduce cardiovascular risk

Researchers at the Institute of Science and Technology Food and Nutrition (ICTAN), center of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), have shown that consumption of a bicarbonate mineral water sodium during meals can reduce cardiovascular risk. This follows from the latest results of a study published in the journal European Journal of Nutrition ', with which it has been shown that with a pint of this type of water you can get a reduction of between 6 and 15 % of blood lipids during digestion. Thus, helps reduce the risk of atherosclerotic plaque on arterial walls or atherosclerosis, which causes an increased risk of suffering a cardiovascular event, such as angina or stroke. This is possible , as explained by the director of the Group of Mineral Metabolism and Human Nutrition at the CSIC and lead author of the study, Dr. Pilar Vaquero, thanks to the "particular composition" of water analyzed, which has a high content of mineral salts. The study It included 21 healthy subjects aged between 18 and 40 years, who were offered a breakfast "with a similar to the Mediterranean diet lipid profile" that included drinking a pint of water brand Vichy Catalan mineral bicarbonate sodium and with gas. After analyzing triglyceride levels after meals, were compared with those with both fasted and consumption of other types of water. In this sense, reduced absorption of lipid containing foods was observed that would be caused by a slight increase in stomach pH, implying a decreased release of the hormone cholecystokinin, which causes gallbladder pour least bile into the intestine. LESS bile into the intestine With fewer bile into the intestine, They will absorb less fat and ensures that fewer of these compounds reach the bloodstream, an effect that, as highlighted Cowboy, "has been shown to be water because everything was under control." However, this expert has clarified that "what you get is a decrease in absorption, it is not removed." "We do not want fat is not absorbed," insisted Vaquero. Previous studies have shown that the use of this water as part of the regular diet could produce a reduction of up to 15 percent of total cholesterol and LDL , known as bad cholesterol, also increasing the fraction of HDL-cholesterol or good cholesterol. Therefore, and under this latter finding, Cowboy and his team suggests to add to the usual diet this type of water could serve as a means prevention of cardiovascular risk.
via #Redmujer.

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